Sunday 27 May 2012

Hypertrophy MAX

I know how it is when it comes to building muscle, most guys that start to build muscle see it as a battle against their genetics and always give up to early because they can’t get any results. Well I was like this I was always struggling and thought that I would never overcome my genetics. I always thought they were holding me back and reading all them muscle magazines and articles didn’t help at all because everyone just says one thing and then another person just contradicts them. But then I found out all the dirty secrets in the fitness industry and how clever most of these so called fitness gurus and magazines just want your money and won’t help you at all. Before I start telling you all the secrets let me just introduce myself. My name is Alex Homes, I used to be a skinny guy and always thought that my genetics were the reason why I couldn’t build muscle because no matter what I did I couldn’t build any muscle. I was actually about to give up until I met a guy called Vince Del Monte he has been named as the skinny guy saviour because he has helped over 100,000 skinny guys gain muscle. He actually was so kind that he put me on his early bird list for one of the best products that is Hypertrophy MAX. This product is coming out soon and has helped so many of us already to pack on so much muscle because we have been shown how to train properly. To me he is my saviour because just in 6 months I was able to pack on 30 pounds of lean muscle mass. This might actually shock a lot of people but the trust is because of all the fake lies around you wouldn’t even realise that these results are actually normal and are achievable no matter what your genetics are.

Currently you can get the Vince Del Monte full Hypertrophy MAX program for a reduced price. If you are interested in it then just click the link to check it out.

I have been in the same place like every guy out there so I know how it feels and why you want to build some muscle. I was on the verge of giving up until I met Vince Del Monte and he showed me is Hypertrophy MAX program. I was in a shock when I learnt all the vital information in his program that no one ever told me about before. This is why I am writing today to shed some light on how gain muscle and size in just a couple of months. The first thing that I learnt was that you need determination to gain muscle so that means you can’t just say one day I want to gain muscle and the next day you just laze about all day because you can’t be bothered anymore. You won’t be able to gain loads of muscle in a week that’s not the way the human body works. It’s like the old saying goes slow and steady wins the race because muscle building is like a slow and steady race. You have to be able to work hard, eat, sleep and train properly everyday and be in it for the long run to see muscle growth. To make sure that you keep motivated the best thing to do that was taught to me by Vince Del Monte is to dig in deep and find out exactly why you want to build muscle. The best way is to keep asking yourself why you want to do it until you reach your inner self because then you will know the real reason on why you want to gain size and pack on muscle mass on your body. My reason for doing this was that I was lacking in self confidence I was always shooting myself down and I didn’t feel like I had a chance with girls. By focusing on these points I was able to keep motivated through the times when I just had enough and wanted to give up. So as long as you are determined and know your motivation you will succeed in gaining muscle. 

The program that I used will really help you by showing you step by step on what to do. It will show you all the scientific parts that no magazine or article ever tells you and will keep it simple so you actually understand it. One of the main scientific parts in this program is the hypertrophy factors of course. The whole program is based on hypertrophy and if you don’t know what hypertrophy is I will give you a short sample of what I have learnt with this program. Hypertrophy is basically muscle growth however there is a bit more to it then that. Hypertrophy can be split in to two different segments i.e. Sarcoplasmic and Myofibrillar hypertrophy. Each hypertrophy does something different to your muscles. Sarcoplasmic hypertrophy is more focused on just increasing muscle size by increase the volume of water and glycogen in your muscle that makes your muscles grow bigger. Myofibrillar hypertrophy is actually increasing the muscle fibers in your muscle to achieve a denser look i.e. muscle will look more ripped and not puffy like you will see on some bodybuilders. This way also causes you to increase strength and muscle size. Each hypertrophy way has to be trained a different way, the Hypertrophy MAX program shows you how to combine both training methods together so you get the best of both worlds and will be able to achieve more muscle size than anyone else in your gym because you will have the knowledge of how muscles actually grow. This is obviously just a short definition the full long scientific definition is in the program. The workouts are one of the most important things in the program as well as the food that you will be eating. The workouts normally lasted for me around 45 minutes to 1 hour they shouldn’t last much longer than that to take full advantage of your hormones because working out for too long can actually cause your muscle building to stop. You are also given a calorie calculator in the program and meal plans so all the work is done for you and with the new substitute booklet that was added you would easily be able to change foods around if you don’t some stuff but as long as they fit in with your macros. So remember to eat right and train hard with intensity and never train for hours without any intensity. I have to be honest now and say that the program isn’t free and will cost you some money but the truth is that I actually considered this as an investment to having a great body in the future and feeling happy about myself and you should do this as well. Also the best thing about this program is that you will have 24/7 support from Vince Del Monte meaning that you won’t have to go on your muscle building journey on your own and you will always have help.

Honestly speaking now there were a few complaints in the early bird group that got to use the program before it actually came out. The main reasons for the complaints were that people thought they would gain over 30 pounds of muscle in a month. The only reason they thought this was possible because of someone telling them that this is possible and that they gained this much muscle in a month. Now of course if you have read the whole review of the program you would know that this is not possible in one month but is possible to gain this much amount of muscle with the Hypertrophy MAX program but of course it will take some time and dedication. The honest truth is that the program does work and it focuses around the bulk and cut approach that many people know but by using the hypertrophy methods to the full content and learning how to manipulate your hormones for maximum muscle growth the program is able to utilise full potential muscle growth. Also with the food that you will eat at certain times i.e. more carbohydrates before workout and after workout will cause you to gain a lot more muscle then you would have ever thought possible. Your main goal with this program would be to gain 1 to 2 pounds of lean muscle weight every week. If you can do that then you are doing everything right but you will have to track your progress every other week to make sure you are gaining muscle, all this is shown in the program in much more detail. All in all the program is great and it does but you have to realise that muscle building does take time so you will need some motivation but you will gain muscle if you are determined to do it and follow the program to the core. Thanks for reading and I hope that you will take action today and change your life by being able to build muscle just like I have. 

Currently you can get the Vince Del Monte full Hypertrophy MAX program for a reduced price. If you are interested in it then just click the link to check it out.